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Dispensing valves
Fluid Management Dispensing systems Dispensing valves 736HPA HIGH PRESSURE VALVE – titanium nitride-coated spool

736HPA HIGH PRESSURE VALVE – titanium nitride-coated spool

736HPA HIGH PRESSURE VALVE – titanium nitride-coated spool

PN: 7028951

High pressure valve for sealant and grease control

Unique 736HPA-NV balanced-spool valve easily applies industrial sealants, grease and silicones at fluid pressures up to 2500 psi (172 bar).

To ensure consistent bead widths and dot profiles, a stroke limit adjustment is used to reduce opening surge and regulate snuff-back.

Titanium nitride-coated spool version for dispesning RTV silicones.

Features and Benefits

• Opening surge control

• Adjustable snuff-back cutoff

• Compact size and weight

• All stainless steel construction

• Auxiliary air inlet air-assist closure

• Cycle rate exceeds 400/minute

• Fluid input up to 2500 psi (172 bar)

Single Component
High Pressure
Wetted parts
Stainles Steel 303

Weight (less fittings): 544 grams (19.2 oz)
Actuating air pressure: 70 psi (4.8 bar)
Maximum fluid pressure: 2500 psi (172 bar)
Fluid inlet thread: 1/4 NPT female
Mounting: 5/16-24 UNF tapped hole
Cycle rate: Exceeds 400 per minute
Air cylinder body: Type 303 stainless steel
Fluid body and outlet cap: Type 303 stainless steel
Piston: Hard-coated aluminum
Spool: Stainless, titanium nitride-coated
Spool seals: Polyester elastomer
Wetted parts: Spool, spool seals, fluid body, body cap

NordsonEFD 736HPA high pressure valve drawing