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Fluid Management
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Low voltage motors IEC
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Nízkonapěťové motory IEC
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M3BP 315LKA 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 132 kW, CENELEC
PN: 3GBP313810-••K
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M3BP 355SMB 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 160 kW, CENELEC
PN: 3GBP353220-••K
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M3BP 355SMC 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 200 kW, CENELEC
PN: 3GBP353230-••K
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M3BP 355MLB 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 250 kW, CENELEC
PN: 3GBP353420-••K
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M3BP 355LKA 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 315 kW, CENELEC
PN: 3GBP353810-••K
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M3BP 355LKB 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 355 kW, CENELEC
PN: 3GBP353820-••K
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M3BP 355LKC 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 400 kW, CENELEC
PN: 3GBP353830-••K
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M3BP 400LA 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 400 kW, CENELEC
PN: 3GBP403510-••K
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M3BP 400LB 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 450 kW, CENELEC
PN: 3GBP403520-••K
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M3BP 400LC 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 500 kW, CENELEC
PN: 3GBP403530-••K
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M3BP 400LD 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 560 kW, CENELEC
PN: 3GBP403540-••K
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M3BP 450LA 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 630 kW, CENELEC
PN: 3GBP453510-••K
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M3BP 450LB 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 710 kW, CENELEC
PN: 3GBP453520-••K
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M3BP 450LC 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 800 kW, CENELEC
PN: 3GBP453530-••K
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M3BP 180MLB 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 18,5 kW, High-output design
PN: 3GBP183420-••K
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M3BP 225SMB 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 37 kW, High-output design
PN: 3GBP223220-••K
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M3BP 250SMB 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 45 kW, High-output design
PN: 3GBP253220-••K
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M3BP 280SMD 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 75 kW, High-output design
PN: 3GBP283240-••K
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M3BP 280MLA 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 90 kW, High-output design
PN: 3GBP283410-••K
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M3BP 280MLB 6 - Process performance cast iron motor, class efficiency IE3, 6 poles, 110 kW, High-output design
PN: 3GBP283420-••K
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